Near Death

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Near DeathDeathNear death signs of parvo

When Death Nears: Signs and Symptoms. The final days and hours of life can be rich with meaning and expressions of love. This is also a time of change and transition, both physically and emotionally, and no two people experience the end of life in the same way. A Near-Death Experience is defined as a situation in which a person near to death is apparently outside his body and aware of it and able to witness events happening in the operating theater, at a distant location or in the afterlife. I have included here some of the classic examples of Near Death Experience but also some of the unusual. Near Death Experience Research Foundation the largest collection of Near Death Experiences (NDE) in over 23 Languages. With thousands of full-text near death experiences posted. Share your near death experience, research, spiritually transforming events, consciousness studies, extensive information and research. Near-death experiences may be similar to another neurological phenomenon called sleep paralysis, according to research presented at the European Academy of Neurology Congress. To read more especially outstanding near-death experiences, see 'Notable NDEs' on and 'Exceptional NDEs' on The Near-Death Experience Research Foundation Website. To learn more about the history, meaning, power, and growing influence of near-death experiences, watch NHNE's How Near-Death Experiences Are Changing The World.

NDERF inspired books!

Jeffrey Long, MD

God and the Afterlife expands upon Dr. Long’s findings about the afterlife and is the first deep scientific exploration of NDE accounts that encounter God or spiritual beings. He shares accounts from NDErs who meet God. What he discovers is that these testimonials share unique similarities that provide overwhelming evidence that God is real.

Jody Long, JD

This is a feel-good book with some of the most profound NDEs ever submitted to NDERF. This book was written to share NDEs with people who enjoy reading books or who don't have access to a computer.

Jody Long, JD

Near Death Movie

Near death signs

Near Death Note

Love is the number one idea described by the NDErs and learning about love through relationships is the number one reason we come to earth. This book puts the two concepts together to help learn to apply them in our own lives.

Near Death Experience Gobblegum

Jeffrey Long, MD

“There is currently more scientific evidence to the reality of near death experience (NDE) than there is for how to effectively treat certain forms of cancer,” states radiation oncologist Dr. Jeffrey Long in his groundbreaking book Evidence of the Afterlife.

Near Death Experience Mtg